Pickup in: Sweden/Stockholm
Date: 02. December 2022
Time: 18:00h – 19:00h
Mode of transport: BioSan-Race-Truck
What should I do: Please fill out the Transportpapers in Blockletters and label all your Stuff with your FULLNAME
Available in Cartagena Bike Hotel: Ready for race 20. December 2022
Way back
Start in Cartagena 2023: Please choose it ! You have 2 Options in the Shop and one Extra-option


Dear customer, we ask you to accept our terms and conditions for transport.
We do our best to offer the transport as cheaply as possible, so your help and preparation is also very important.

Papers for Transport



By purchasing the transport you agree to our conditions.

Here you can see more Information about our Service of Transport!





Here are the examples of the Extra-Options